Harry Saward, “the adventurer”

Harry Saward, “the adventurer”

I am delighted to share some anecdotes by Penny Coe about her great uncle Harry Saward, Royal Station Master Extraordinaire. Another great niece, Shirley Britten, shares her reminiscences- and wishes she had asked her mother, Beryl Saward, more about her distinguished...
WW1 National Egg Collection for the Wounded

WW1 National Egg Collection for the Wounded

Did you know that more than 32 million eggs were dispatched overseas during WW1 to base hospitals in France and Belgium for the British wounded? The nutritional benefits of an egg were well recognised in WW1, as my research for The Royal Station Master’s Daughters led...
The Royal Station Master’s House for Sale

The Royal Station Master’s House for Sale

The turreted Royal Station Master’s House in Wolferton that features prominently in my book, The Royal Station Master’s Daughters, is up for sale! It is situated on the Sandringham estate with the royal family as neighbours, and the grandeur of the property shows the...
Wolferton Station – a Royal Favourite

Wolferton Station – a Royal Favourite

With visitors to the Sandringham expected to soar this year to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, I highly recommend they take a slight detour and drive down the pretty country road that leads to Wolferton Royal Station, the only one of its kind in the country,...