Hip, hip hooray for our Platinum Queen Elizabeth 11
Never has the nation's love and respect for our Platinum Jubilee Queen Elizabeth been more evident than today as we begin four days of celebrations to mark her record breaking reign. Tens of thousands of ecstatic and loyal, loving fans thronged London and all over the...
Queen spends birthday at Sandringham
Many happy returns to our wonderful Queen who is 96 today and has returned to Sandringham to celebrate it quietly. The fact that she chooses to be there, a place that Prince Philip was so very fond is, and is filled with many happy childhood memories, is a testament...
Now in paperback, The Royal Station Master’s Daughters!
Yay! The Royal Station Masters's Daughters is now available in paperback from all good book stores! I was thrilled beyond words when I popped into Topping book store in Ely, the day before publication to collect tickets for a couple of their future author events when...
Harry Saward, “the adventurer”
I am delighted to share some anecdotes by Penny Coe about her great uncle Harry Saward, Royal Station Master Extraordinaire. Another great niece, Shirley Britten, shares her reminiscences- and wishes she had asked her mother, Beryl Saward, more about her distinguished...
WW1 National Egg Collection for the Wounded
Did you know that more than 32 million eggs were dispatched overseas during WW1 to base hospitals in France and Belgium for the British wounded? The nutritional benefits of an egg were well recognised in WW1, as my research for The Royal Station Master’s Daughters led...
The Royal Station Master’s House for Sale
The turreted Royal Station Master’s House in Wolferton that features prominently in my book, The Royal Station Master’s Daughters, is up for sale! It is situated on the Sandringham estate with the royal family as neighbours, and the grandeur of the property shows the...
Shackleton, Scott and the Royal Sandringham Connection
The discovery of Endurance in its watery grave after more than 100 years would have held a special interest for the royals and Sandringham House too. For while Sir Ernest Shackleton's ship didn't survive his perilous expedition to the Antarctic in 1909, he and his men...
Wolferton Station – a Royal Favourite
With visitors to the Sandringham expected to soar this year to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, I highly recommend they take a slight detour and drive down the pretty country road that leads to Wolferton Royal Station, the only one of its kind in the country, and...
The storm that relocated Sandringham’s Norwich Gates
While Britain recovers from the battering of Storm Eunice, did you know that a ferocious gale back in 1908 led to the spectacular wrought iron Norwich Gates being moved to its present location at Sandringham House? This is the site the public gathers to leave floral...