by Ellee Seymour | Jan 10, 2010 | Politics
I enjoyed David Cameron’s confident and decisive performance on Andrew Marr’s Sunday morning politics show today, and the unexpected revelation he used to play footie with Chris Evans, who was also appearing on the show. Evans was goalkeeper while Cameron...
by Ellee Seymour | Jan 7, 2010 | 2010 general election, Politics
Stephen Oliver, who is on the Conservative approved list of candidates, wonders why no local candidates have been selected to contest Richard Spring’s safe West Suffolk seat. There is no doubt a wealth of talent applying for seats, and I sympathise with those who...
by Ellee Seymour | Jan 6, 2010 | 2010 general election, Politics
With all political parties actively courting women’s votes, it’s no surprise that their leaders are keen to woo them on Mumsnet, the UK’s top website for parents? How many mums at the school gate have heard of our top bloggers Guido Fawkes and Iain Dale, both...
by Ellee Seymour | Jan 5, 2010 | Environment, Politics
Last year I suggested that community allotments might be a good idea and encourage us to be more self-sufficient by producing our own food. I like to think this could help unite communities too by encouraging school children to participate, as well as getting...
by Ellee Seymour | Jan 3, 2010 | Politics
MPs should not be above the law, and The Sunday Times’ front page report today that three Labour MPs under police investigation were trying to weasel their way out of answering to a court of law about alleged expenses fraud will leave all decent people feeling a...
by Ellee Seymour | Dec 30, 2009 | climate change, General Election 2010, Politics
John Gummer’s decision to stand down at the next general election did not come as a great surprise to me. Our next parliament must modernise and I believe there will be many changes in the way it works in an attempt to start winning back public trust following...
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