by Ellee Seymour | Apr 29, 2010 | 2010 general election, Politics
They were softly spoken words which dealt the killer blow for a flagging Prime Minister now publicly shamed for his lack of sincerity, no matter how grovelling his humble apology to grandmother Gillian Duffy. Although much publicity has been given to the quizzing she...
by Ellee Seymour | Apr 26, 2010 | 2010 general election, Politics, Women MPs
Whatever the outcome of the general election, we will not see the change we really need in parliament – many more women MPs to reflect our true society.Data shows that although the three main political parties are fielding a record number of women candidates for...
by Ellee Seymour | Apr 25, 2010 | 2010 general election, Politics
It would appear that Labour’s South East Cambridgeshire parliamentary candidate John Cowan (pic right) has been sacked for sending lurid emails in his previous life as a Lib Dem supporter (oh, he considered becoming Tory too!) This is my constituency, so I...
by Ellee Seymour | Apr 24, 2010 | 2010 general election, Politics
Nick Hillman is outstandingly impressive as Cambridge’s Conservative parliamentary candidate. Regardless of the fact that Tories came third here in the last general election – and a very poor third winning only 7,193 votes compared to 19,152 for Lib Dems...
by Ellee Seymour | Apr 23, 2010 | 2010 general election, Politics
Andrew Lansley, Shadow Health Secretary, outlines Conservative plans to support the elderly, including the £8,000 insurance proposal to pay for long-term care, and supporting them to be independent at home. The video was recorded during Andrew’s visit to...
by Ellee Seymour | Apr 23, 2010 | 2010 general election, Politics
I hero worship William Shakespeare for his wit and inspirational writing, for his use of language and his exceptional perception on life and events; his grasp of love, treachery, history, comedy and pathos. A testament to his brilliance is popularity of his...
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