by Ellee Seymour | May 18, 2012 | Blog, Sponsored Post
London Business School Masters In Management Economies around the world are relying on strong business acumen to survive the present decline. While a strong workforce equipped with experience and skills is vital, they crucially need visionary leaders at the top Ellee Seymour | May 15, 2012 | Blog, Sponsored Post
Plans to provide personal budgets for families with special educational needs has raised concerns with Janet O’Keefe, a speech and language therapist who is also an expert witness for families during tribunal appeals against their local authorities. The Ellee Seymour | May 12, 2012 | Blog, Sponsored Post
Final day, Champneys boot camp, Henlow Grange. We queued nervously for our weigh in this morning after our 7am run/power walk, the last at the end of an exhausting, but exhilarating, week. I was determined to wear the same jeans I wore for my first weigh in and Ellee Seymour | May 11, 2012 | Blog, Sponsored Post
Day 7, Champneys boot camp, Henlow Grange. Today is our last day and after a week of extreme exercise, pushing myself beyond my pain barrier, sacrificing tea, coffee, alcohol and bread, surviving on 1500 calories a day, I was also able to enjoy a daily Ellee Seymour | May 10, 2012 | Blog, Sponsored Post
Day 6, Champneys boot camp, Henlow Grange. There is a tremendous bonding among our group, a strong feeling of comradeship and mutual support which has built up during the week. If one exhausted boot camper feels they cannot move another muscle, they are always Ellee Seymour | May 9, 2012 | Blog, Sponsored Post
Day 5, Champneys boot camp, Henlow Grange. We are wearing Ki Fit armband monitors throughout the week which record how many calories we are burning throughout the day during all our activities, as well as our sleep pattern. Last night we were given some feedback, and...
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