I thought I smelt a rat when I heard  that Gordon Brown had earmarked Oakington Barracks, close to where I live in Cambridgeshire, as the first of his planned eco-towns

The site is currently used as an Immigration Reception Centre which was featured on a BBC documentary for its abuse to asylum seekers.

However, Cambridgeshire Horizons has already earmarked the former barracks as a site for affordable and sustainable homes with a strong green theme which will be known as Northstowe. The truth is that Gordon Brown is doing nothing more than jumping on the bandwagon. These homes have long been planned to have a green theme prior to Gordon’s announcement.

Local MP Andrew Lansley also saw through Gordon Brown’s audacious cheek at trying to claim credit for creating the first ever eco-town on our home turf.

“This is Gordon Brown wandering round Whitehall, trying to pick up ideas and promote them as his own. There is nothing new about any of this. You would think he would start out by setting out broader policies.”

I also agree with Andrew about how cost effecting creating a zero-carbon town would be.

If Gordon Brown is trying to claim credit for this eco-town which he has not been involved with to date, what does that prove about his pledge for more transparency? And will he prove how green he is by restoring tax cuts on environmental research projects ?