The young girl being carried on the back of a traditionally dressed Moroccan woman in North Africa does look remarkably like Madeleine McCann. But parents of missing children are used to having their hopes raised – and dashed. It’s so difficult to be sure from a grainy photo. We can but hope.
Similarities have also been noticed between the young girl leading the procession and a missing Sicilian girl Denise Pipitone, who was snatched outside her home three years ago when she was four. A comment was this morning posted on my report about Denise saying:
There is a photo on line now which many people speculate shows Madeleine McCann being carried on the back of a Moroccan women. There is a young girl leading the group who looks to be about age 7 or 8. There seems to be some similarities between her and the pictures I have seen of Denise. Maybe Interpol could be contacted regarding this child in the photo and try to use software to see if there are any similar facial characteristics to Denise.
In memory of those who are still missing.
I also found this observation mentioned on another website – just wondered if it has been passed on to Interpol or any of the relevant authorities? Been trying to do it myself but can’t find the contact details.
Well done to everyone who continues to highlight the cases of missing children worldwide. Praying that these children are safe from harm and will one day be returned to their families.
Karen. xx
The girl does look like Maddie – but if she isn’t her, who is she? And how is this group going to be found now?
The blonde girl in the picture is the five year old daughter of a local farmer and I suspect the older child is a family member also. Oh well, on to the next ‘sighting’…
Thanks for the update Mike, it will be disappointing news for the McCanns, as you can imagine.
The one good thing is that Madeleine will always be recognizable without a doubt. This would have been to bizarre if it had been true.
Im afraid I think Madeleine has been dead from day one ( as are most children who are taken )
The question should really be what efforts are now being made to search in a methodical manner for a body , and of course what actually occured on that night.
The Portugese Police seem to be trying in this regard but in doing so are like headless chickens .
I also cannot understand why with questions around the McCanns they have not been taken in and questioned ( under caution ) by the British Police .
If they are involved then a conclusion should be reached , if not they should be free from further media hounding.
One thing that they do require is what ever happens in the futore at the end of the day they need to understand it was they who failed to keep their child safe .
More it seems on that holiday intent on having adult fun with all their mates than having a family holiday with their 3 tiny tots .
They appear to have spent most of the time putting the children into creches .
And who in their right mind would leave a french door unlocked in a strange room in a foreign land next to a main road with little ones who cold have any amount of accidents , upsets or the like whilst they sat inside a restaurant across the way .Any or all of those children could have woken and finding themselves alone opened that door and gone looking for parents who they would have had no idea where they were.
I find the strangest thing the mothers supposed reaction on finding her gone .
Why ( if correct ) did she asume with all the above in place that the child had been ” taken ”
I know mine would have been “Maddies wandered off please please will you all help to find her.”
And why would an abductor ( with little time to spare ) bother to remove a toy and put up on a shelf ?
That doesnt feel right to me.
The thought that Madeleine is dead is probably at the back of the McCann’s minds, but you have to hope when there is evidence to suggest that. I don’t think there is any way the McCanns are involved in her disappearance. I agree they should not have left their young kids unattended in that way. Who knows one would react in the same situation, to have every word and movement scrutinised by the world.
How sad. I’d be forever looking at children in the street if I were her mother.
I agree with Georgegirl though. i’m sure she was killed within the 24 or 48 hours of her disappearance. Unfortunately her eye would also be a factor in her murder, making her too identifiable if she were used in porn films, or pedo clips and therefore a risk to pedo’s.
She’s already gone, bless her soul.
Hi Any up to date news on Denise, I came across her when googling Madeliene. My little girl looks just like her, I was torn in two for her parents when I saw her, I couldn’t imagine being without my child at all.Do you know if there was any follow up in Milan? Also, there is a website called Brians predictions, I’m sure you’ve heard of it, he has done some work on Denise,and is saying she may be in Bangkok, I hope he is wrong.
Thanks for highlighting this
i belive that madeleine is stil alive you have to have hope
ive wrote her a song and made a film on you tube to help find her
i want to belive denise pipitone is stll alive to