
The young girl being carried on the back of a traditionally dressed Moroccan woman in North Africa does look remarkably like Madeleine McCann. But parents of missing children are used to having their hopes raised – and dashed. It’s so difficult to be sure from a grainy photo. We can but hope.

Similarities have also been noticed between the young girl leading the procession and a missing Sicilian girl Denise Pipitone, who was snatched outside her home three years ago when she was four. A comment was this morning posted on my report about Denise saying:

There is a photo on line now which many people speculate shows Madeleine McCann being carried on the back of a Moroccan women. There is a young girl leading the group who looks to be about age 7 or 8. There seems to be some similarities between her and the pictures I have seen of Denise. Maybe Interpol could be contacted regarding this child in the photo and try to use software to see if there are any similar facial characteristics to Denise.

In memory of those who are still missing.