I have written a will, being of sound mind, I hope, solely to ensure the future care of my two sons if the worst should image image happen to me.

There are not many noughts at the end of my bequests, unlike that of Branislav Kostic, who left £8.3m in his will to the Conservative Party.

It was successfully challenged by his only son Zoran, 50, at the High Court, who said his father was “deluded and insane” at the time of writing his will and he was entitled to the entire estate. He was naturally indignant at losing his inheritance.

I would have expected that Kostic senior’s solicitors would have been aware of the multi-millionaire’s delicate mental health; he was said to be suffering from paranoia. So why was it allowed to ever happen if he was mentally unstable? Doesn’t that make his solicitor negligent?

Is the mental stability of vulnerable people not checked in some way before they write a will leaving all their worldly goods to whoever they choose or whichever cause takes their fancy, anyone other than family? Should a doctor not be present or sign a form stating the person is of sound mind in exceptional cases like this?

Does the fact that a person has some form of mental instability mean he has lost all his faculties and is too unstable to make a decision about who he or she leave their money to? I would not necessarily have thought so.

It reminds me of the case of two Newmarket men who were left a £1 million stud by their former boss which was later challenged by his two daughters who claimed their father made his will after multiple sclerosis had left him paralysed and only able to communicate by nodding, winking and shaking his head. This made him unable to make a will, they claimed, and the judge agreed.

I know this stud and of the men involved as my son did work experience there just before this blew up. They were very genuine and highly regarded and nobody ever believed they had in any way coerced the will to be made in their favour.

How sane was it for billionaire Leona Helmsley to leave $12 million to her dog named Trouble? Although she also made bequests to family and charities, she excluded two grandsons for her own good reasons.

An inheritance is not a legal right. It’s cruel to cut out family from a will, but it’s usually done for a specific reason, it’s their catch-up time. Denied of their last wish, who knows if these people are now turning in their graves?