I will be honouring International Women’s Day today by attending an event in the image House of Lords entitled, “Achieving Equality in Parliament.”

It is organised by WAFE – Women worldwide Advancing Freedom and Equality and I  shall be interested to hear their speakers; this is one of my pet subjects at the moment as Westminster is represented by only 19.8% women.

I had particularly been looking forward to a Swedish speaker, who is now unable to make it. Agneta Stark is co-founder of Stödstrumporna, a Swedish feminist Network which made a big impact on the 1994 election with the threat of a ‘Women´s Party’. And Sweden has the second highest of women in parliament across the world (47%) with the highest being Rawanda (56.3%).

Her spot has been taken by Monique Auguste, an authority on gender equality in Canadian Politics, and she will explain how this works over there. Other speakers are Peter Facey, director of Unlock Democracy; Kate Growcutt, former chair of the Young Fabians; and Julie Smith, (pic) deputy director of the Centre of International Studies, Department of Politics and International Studies, Cambridge University, who will ask the question so many of us would like an answer to:

“Why are there so many middle-class white men in parliament?”

*Read Lesley Abdela’s blog, she blames “cowardly and insufficient ongoing committment from men in political power to make it a priority to radically update and reform British politics whether on women’s equality, electoral reform or MPs’ expenses.”